​Better for the Cow

Cattle are herd animals.  The calves are born and nurse on their mother’s milk and eat the grass and other available plants.  Cattle are ruminants which means they are designed to break down grasses and plants and turn it into protein.

Our Dexter cattle are born on our farm and stay with the herd for their entire life.  We do not force wean our calves, we let them handle it.  The herd travels around together, eating grass their entire life.

Environmental Benefits

The cows fertilize our farm fields as they are walking around eating grass.  The growing grass or other plants in the field, sequester carbon from the atmosphere.  The cattle on slaughtered on site and transported to Loveland for butchering.  The entire process is kept local.

Nutritional Benefits

There are several studies about grass fed beef having better nutritional content than grain fed beef.  Please research these studies.